Rye Swirl Bread

Fig and Aniseed Plaited Scone LoafA Light Rye and Dark Rye joined together with a hint of caraway seed to give it a typical German origin. For many years I have made this loaf just out of the pure pleasure of pleasing myself and others, as I just love the way the two doughs come together in a spiral effect. It’s a great conversational loaf when you serve it up as a sandwich because people love the effect and also wonder how it’s done. You can choose to leave out the caraway seeds if you prefer an unflavoured loaf. It's also great toasted as this brings out the rye flavour. (Recipe from "Global Baker - Dean Brettschneider")

Light Rye Dough
175g strong bread flour
75g rye flour
5g salt
5g sugar
1 teaspoon active dried yeast
5g olive oil
5g molasses
1 teaspoon caraway seeds
150ml water

Dark Rye Dough
175g strong bread flour
75g rye flour
5g salt
5g sugar
1 teaspoon active dried yeast
5g olive oil
10g molasses
1 teaspoon caraway seeds
15g cocoa powder dissolved in 1 tablespoon water
150ml water

additional flour for dusting
4 – 5 ice cubes for creating steam in the oven
olive oil for brushing on the surface after baking

Makes 2 loaves in tins

You will need to make two separate doughs and then join them together. Follow the same dough making process for each until it comes to final shaping (step 5. below).

1. Place all the ingredients into a large mixing bowl and using a wooden spoon, combine the ingredients together until a dough mass has formed.

2. Then tip the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead for 10 – 15 minutes (taking a rest period of 30 seconds, every 2 – 3 minutes) until the dough is smooth and elastic in feel.

3. Lightly oil a bowl large enough to allow the dough to double in bulk, then put the dough into the bowl and cover with plastic wrap. Leave in a warmish place (23 - 25ºC) for 1 hour.

4. Gently knock back the dough in the bowl by gently folding it back onto its self. This will deflate it slightly, but will develop more strength. Then cover again with plastic wrap and leave for 30 minutes.

5. Gently tip each dough onto a lightly floured bench and divide into 2 equal pieces, approximately 220g each (you will have 4 pieces, 2 light rye and 2 dark rye).

6. Flatten each piece into a small rectangle shape and place the dark dough on top of the light dough and tightly roll up, place into a pre-greased 500g or 1lb loaf tin with the seam edge at the bottom of the tin. Cover the loaves with a sheet of plastic and proof for 60 minutes. Using a sharp knife or razor blade cut straight down the centre of the loaf lengthways.

7. Place into a preheated oven set at 210ºC with a small ovenproof dish in the bottom shelf, then quickly throw 4 – 5 ice cubes into the ovenproof dish and bake for approximately 20 – 25 minutes.

Brush the surface immediately with olive oil when removing from the oven.